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steven holding

Any regular visitors to the site (it’s nothing to be ashamed of you know, no matter what people might say or what dirty looks are fired in your direction…) will be well aware that the purpose of this blog is to operate as an open notebook for the various poems, stories and assorted weird etchings that might not otherwise get to see the light of day. Bigging up any scribbles that do manage to break free and escape out into the real world is not usually my bag, but occasionally the time doth arrive for a teeny-weeny lil’ update regarding what’s been going down (…to alphabet street…) Since May, fifteen different pieces of my fiction have appeared either on or in STYGIAN LEPUS MAGAZINE, FRIDAY FLASH FICTION, DARK MOMENTS, TREMBLING WITH FEAR and 50 WORD STORIES (my own personal favourite being A RARE BIT, which featured in Issue Three of STYGIAN LEPUS. Getting it out of my head and down on to paper proved to be a real buzz) The credit section of the site will be updated ASAP with links to all of these pieces so that you may peruse them at your own leisure. Two of my pieces, SUCK ON A SOFT CENTRE and ON MONDO MONDAY were featured in the TWF YEAR SIX ANTHOLOGY, which, as always, was a real pleasure to see and is available via Amazon. A tip of the hat goes to all the wonderful editors involved in bringing these fantastic publications and websites to life and for providing an outlet for a really diverse and talented bunch of authors (Thanks, then, go to Stuart Conover, Lauren McMenemy, Stephanie Ellis, Shalini Bethala, Tim Sevenhuysen, Gordon Lawrie, Ben Thomas, Dean Kershaw, Jodi Christensen and Kimberly Rei) But what has really taken up most of my time over the past six or seven months is my involvement in Northampton Royal and Derngate’s GENFEST 2023, their fifth festival dedicated to supporting the work and careers of independent artists, and part of Royal & Derngate’s Generate programme. The end result of this is the audio installation SEVEN STORIES. This comprises seven audio performances, each with a running time of seven minutes, written and read by myself, commencing on Monday 6th November at 7pm with a new episode every day until Sunday 12th November and is available to access via Royal and Derngate’s website A big thank you to Emma Ling and Erica Martin for all of their support, and a HUGE thank you to Northampton-based photographer Dan Hay for providing all accompanying visual material, both still and video images. Check it out if that’s your thang, as well as all the other performances and artists involved in this year’s GENFEST. How exciting! Now let’s shake off all that shameless self-promotion and get stuck into another poem….

My thoughts

became a

spider’s web


to trace one



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